Sharing phrases

PhraseExpress offers following options to share phrases with multiple users:

  • Phrase libraries can be synchronized "peer-to-peer" by using a local network share (NAS) or over the internet with a cloud file sharing service, such as DropBox, iCloud Drive, OneDrive or self-hosted solutions such as OwnCloud.
  • PhraseExpress clients can connect to a SQL Server that hosts a central phrase database. The SQL server can be installed on-premise or in the cloud (Azure, Amazon AWS).

Access to individual phrases can be restricted to specific users, workgroups and domains.

What to choose?

  • Suitable for up to approx. 50 users.
  • Recommend if you do not often edit the phrase file.
  • Recommended if employees work away from the company network (e.g. in a home office).
  • Recommended for users without IT/SQL administration skills.

With peer-to-peer sharing, there is no control if multiple users with edit permissions edit the same phrase. Thus, editing collisions may occur and one will win over the other which leads to loss of data of one user. We recommend restricting write access rights to only a few editors to minimize the risk of edit conflict.

Each edit of each user is uploaded/downloaded as separate update files from/to the cloud/NAS sync folder, independently on their command. This means, that there will never be a state where all users have all latest phrase versions because users may be slow to refresh their edits (however, PhraseExpress can be configured to update on every program launch). All these update files need to be processed by each user on every sync action. This works fine for a team of around 25 users but we do not have experience with larger groups.

  • Ideal for professionally administered company client-/server environments.
  • Recommended for 25 users or more.
  • Possibly not suitable for external employees with poor connections to the company network (check performance with the free demo!).

The SQL server securely prevents edit collisions as it allows only one single user to edit the same phrase at a time. All data is centrally stored on the server computer, most probably with established backup procedures.

All users have the identical state of the phrase library at any time as the actual phrase contents is transmitted when the phrase is being triggered on the client.

PhraseExpress offers extra features if using a SQL server such as a central usage statistics and a comment feature for each phrase for team collaboration.

Please find additional pros/cons in the following sections.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents