Free PhraseExpress Add-Ons

Enhance PhraseExpress with additional functionality. Add-ons are provided as regular phrase files that you can import to your phrase library.


Sample phrase file

This file contains sample phrases as provided with the installation file, including all below add-ons (excluding spelling corrections).

AI functions

Highlights the current paragraph and offers to process the text with AI functions, e.g. to translate into another language, summarize, rewrite, style-check, etc.

Video demo

After import of this file, you must define a hotkey for the AI functions folder, e.g. CTRL+SHIFT-A

Outlook Add-In sample macros

Sample phrases for use with the Outlook Add-In. Auto-completes the name of the recipient in email replies, for example.

Document Generator sample macros

Sample phrases for use with the Document Generator.

Special functions

  • Calc-As-You-Type: This feature inserts the result of a mathematical expression (). Optionally replaces the input of '12*3=' with the result '36'.
  • Browser Search: Uses a text highlighted in any application in a search engine of your choice.
Medical Transcription

>45,000 terms for medical transcription

Add-ons are provided free-of-charge as a complimentary download without warranty.