Expert Options


If PhraseExpress pastes the clipboard instead of the phrase contents, please increase the "Clipboard restore delay" which defines the delay in milliseconds after PhraseExpress restores the original clipboard contents.

PhraseExpress buffers the current clipboard contents before it uses the clipboard to insert text into an application. The original clipboard content is then restored after the delay specified here. Increase the delay on slow Macs or under heavy CPU load.

The "Paste delay" specifies the wait time before PhraseExpress pastes the phrase after switching focus to the target application. Increase this delay, if phrases are not pasted properly or into the wrong application.

Restrict to specific programs

The phrase trigger detection can be restricted to specific programs that you can specify here.

HTML Format

By default, PhraseExpress uses the RTF(D) text format only to paste formatted phrases through the clipboard.

if you need to paste formatted phrases in web browsers, enable the option "Add HTML format to output of formatted phrases".

PhraseExpress then sends boths, the RTF(D) and the HTML version of the phrase. The HTML format is less specific than the RTF(D) text format and other target application can decide on their own which format they use, which may lead in less than ideal results.

Secure Input Warning

"Secure Input" is a macOS security feature that hides text input from other applications running on your Mac. The dotted password input dialogs are examples of secure input dialogs.

When Secure Input is enabled by any third-party program, other programs, including PhraseExpress, cannot listen to your text input, preventing PhraseExpress from triggering phrases by autotext input.

Any application, such as browsers, can enable Secure input. Well-developed applications will disable Secure Input mode when it is no longer needed.

However, some careless program developers do not let their programs switch off the Secure Input state after it is no longer required. As a result, no other program on the Mac can listen to your keyboard anymore. In such cases, PhraseExpress cannot detect autotext input.

PhraseExpress cannot disable Secure Input remotely but can inform you when Secure Input is enabled, giving you a hint as to why autotext text replacements aren't working. You would then need to quit the app that engaged Secure Input to release it.

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