PhraseExpress Alternative
You reached this page while looking for a PhraseExpress alternative.
We are very sorry, if we failed to meet your expectations.
We develop the software for our users - If you miss a particular feature, we would be eager to learn more. We carefully listen!
Features, Features, Features
When comparing PhraseExpress with alternatives, please check, if you get all these features:
- Apple iOS App for iPhone and iPad
- Apple macOS version
- Learn function of frequently typed text for full-sentence autocompletion
- SQL Server and Citrix/TerminalServer support
- Portable option
- Support for native MS Word text formatting
- Multi-language phrase database
- Multi-level phrase database to store phrases in multiple languages.
- Support for automated translations.
- Clipboard Manager
- Desktop menus
- Advanced Input forms
- Document Generator
- And many more…
Fair pricing
We do not compete on price, but on quality.
Anybody can cut prices, but it takes brains to make a better article.
Philip Armour
PhraseExpress is not expensive as its time savings usually pays itself off within a few days. The video blog provides inspirations, how PhraseExpress can improve your productivity with real life examples.